
We are here for you

General Terms and Conditions for Jeffrey helps GmbH


The general terms and conditions of Jeffrey helps GmbH (hereinafter “GTC”) shall be an integral part of all legal relationships between Jeffrey helps GmbH (hereinafter “Jeffreyhelps”) and a customer (hereinafter “the Customer”) and shall govern the contractual relationship between Jeffreyhelps and the contracting party.

Terms which are contradictory to these GTC shall not be effective.

By submitting a service enquiry, the Customer accepts these GTC.

Conclusion of contract

The services provided by Jeffreyhelps are directed to Customers that have legal capacity and that are over 18 years of age.

The offers on the website shall be subject to alteration and shall be non-binding.

By submitting a service enquiry, the Customer makes a binding offer to Jeffreyhelps.

The Customer shall provide only truthful information in the service enquiry.

A declaration of acceptance by Jeffreyhelps shall be required for the formation of the contract. The contract shall not be deemed as concluded until Jeffreyhelps issues an order confirmation.

Jeffreyhelps expressly reserves the right to not accept service enquiries.

Services and Fees

The object of the service contract shall be the provision of the contractually agreed performance. No specific performance is owed. The contract shall be deemed to be fulfilled, when the contractually specified service is provided by Jeffreyhelps.

The Customer shall under no circumstances order services, that in any way conflict Swiss substantive Law.

Fees are calculated on the basis of the Jeffreyhelps Rate Flats. The tariffs shall be subject to alteration and shall not be regarded as binding offers. Tariff adjustments by Jeffreyhelps shall be possible at any time. The applicable tariff is the tariff at the time of the service enquiry. Subsequent changes and additions by the Customer constitute an amendment or extension of the order and shall require the consent and approval of Jeffreyhelps. They shall be billed to the Customer separately.

The tariff rate flats shall be understood as remuneration for the services provided by Jeffreyhelps. External costs are not included. In particular, but not limited to, costs for purchases and costs for dry cleaning are not included.

The binding offer by Jeffreyhelps shall be regarded as the basis for the billing process.

The tariffs shall be understood as net costs in Swiss francs, including VAT. Ancillary costs such as cleaning materials are not included in the fee, these materials shall be provided by the Customer.

Jeffreyhelps does not take any liability for technical modifications, errors or typos.

Services and fulfilment

Services are provided for households in Switzerland only.

The Customer shall be required to enable Jeffreyhelps to fulfil the contractually specified service. In particular, the Customer shall be required to provide the necessary cleaning materials. Additionally, the Customer shall support Jeffreyhelps in fulfilling the service contract according to these GTC and to the extent necessary.

The Customer shall be responsible for the necessary equipment available and shall provide these free of charge to the employees of Jeffreyhelps. Should unsuitable or defective equipment, which was not provided by Jeffreyhelps, lead to any damages, Jeffreyhelps cannot be held liable under any circumstances.

If a service cannot be provided for reasons attributable to the Customer, Jeffreyhelps may charge the costs for any inconveniences and may terminate the contract. Should Jeffreyhelps terminate the contract, Jeffreyhelps may bill cancellation fees according to the Jeffreyhelps Rate Flats. Should the contract be continued, a new completion date can be agreed upon with full compensation of Jeffreyhelps according to the Jeffreyhelps Rate Flats.

If payments from previous services are unpaid, Jeffreyhelps may suspend the provision of further services until the full costs have been paid.

Terms of payment

Payments shall be made in Swiss francs.

For the purpose of credit assessment, Jeffreyhelps may forward personal details to third parties.

Jeffreyhelps shall be entitled to remuneration according to the Jeffreyhelps Rate Flats. and to reimbursement of ancillary expenses. Jeffreyhelps may demand appropriate advance payments and reimbursement of expenses. Jeffreyhelps shall be entitled to suspend performance of the services until Jeffreyhelps´ claims are fully satisfied.

Should the Customer fail to meet the agreed payment dates, he shall be in default without a payment reminder being issued. With every written reminder a fee of 20 CHF (twenty Swiss francs) shall become due. From the second written reminder on, the Customer shall be liable to pay default interest rate of 5% (five percent).

In case of a default of payment, Jeffreyhelps expressly reserves the right to terminate the contract after the period of notice has expired. The Customer shall bear any costs incurred. Jeffreyhelps expressly reserves the right to institute claims for damages.

Non-solicitation agreement

The Customer is prohibited from soliciting the employees of Jeffreyhelps. In particular, the Customer is prohibited from contacting employees of Jeffreyhelps, to engage them or to take up or continue any commercial relationships with employees of Jeffreyhelps. The non-solicitation agreement shall be valid from the moment of submission of a service enquiry by the Customer. It shall remain valid until two years after termination of contractual relations between the Customer and Jeffreyhelps. For every violation of the non-solicitation agreement, the Customer shall be obliged to pay a penalty of CHF 5'000 (five thousand Swiss francs). The payment of the penalty does not release the Customer from the obligation to comply with the non-solicitation agreement. In particular, any commercial relationships between the Customer and Jeffreyhelps' employees shall be terminated immediately. Jeffreyhelps reserves the right to claim damage compensation in case of violation of the non-solicitation agreement.


The Customer is obliged to verify the correctness, completeness and intactness of the provided service immediately.

The Customer shall notify Jeffreyhelps of any faults or deficiencies in writing immediately, but within no more than 48 hours after completion of the service. A notice of defects by e-mail shall be equated to a notice in writing.

Jeffreyhelps is liable solely for intent and for gross negligence.

Jeffreyhelps assumes no liability for damages caused by Force Majeure.

Data protection

Insofar as Jeffreyhelps processes personal data which the Customer indicated in connection with his service enquiry, Jeffreyhelps shall comply with the provisions of the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP).

The Jeffreyhelps privacy statement is an integral element of these GTC and clarifies the processing of data. By giving consent to these GTC, the Customer consents also to the privacy statement. Notably, customer data may be forwarded to third parties for the of fulfilment of the service.

The Customer shall treat the login data to his customer account confidentially. Jeffreyhelps is not liable for misuse of the login data.

Right of modification

Jeffreyhelps reserves the right to modify these GTC at any time. The current and binding version of the GTC is published on the website.

Severability clause

Should individual or several terms of these GTC be or become ineffective or incomplete in part or in whole, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms. The relevant legal provision shall replace the ineffective or missing provision.

Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction is at the domicile of the Customer or in Zurich.

Applicable law

The legal relationship shall be governed by Swiss substantive law. The application of conflict of law rules and of the United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods of April 11, 1980 (Vienna Convention) shall be precluded.

Last updated on July 9, 2016